Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Song Review #2 - Right above it - Lil wayne

  "Right Above It" was Lil Waynes first single from his eighth album "I am Not a Human Being" officially released on iTunes august 17th, 2010. 
This song was also similar to Tupacs song - He had a similar quote from his, in his new song. Which was " I ain't a killer, but don't push me."
Right Above It debuted on the charts number 6th on the US Billboard Hot 100 charts,  dated September 4th 2010, ... making it the highest new song on the chart for a whole week, and it became number 1 on the Billboard  Hot Digital Songs, becoming the very first Lil wayne song to top this chart. He sold over a million copies. All his songs are related to his life - situations he has been through - things that have happened, and impacted him throughout his whole life. Although some people don't refer to this kind of music, hip hop/r&b, some of the songs can be very powerful and meaningful - but everyone has their own taste in what music they like. 
Overall I think this is an awesome song. It has a hip hop feel to it, and it catches my attention.. and I would listen to it all the time. 

Song Review (heaven DJ Sammy)

I am going to review the song by DJ sammy - Heaven 
It is more of a techno beat - and the singing is by a female woman.
The song has a lot of meaning to me - so it think it's a great song. 
The intro is long - but not that long - it's a bunch of techno beats coming together in the beginning.
It's catchy - catches my attention.  
After the intro - comes in singing.. and after the first verse - comes in another techno part, with just the music playing - no singing. 
Overall it's just a great song, 
there is no.. instruments in this song, it's pretty well all computerized.
But overall I love this song, And I think it's amazing.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Doc. L.A. - Ice cube. Jan. 11th

Interesting Rap and football put together - as one.
Ice cube puts himself into the doc. A real point of view.
Good music throughout the whole entire doc - which relates to each situation, and clip/scene.
They mesh well together - football and music (rap)
combining the two makes a powerful combiniation.
A lot of person opinions and insights on everything.
3-D shots look very interesting.


No one listened to rap.
Really good graphics through the whole entire doc.
Raiders moved to L.A.
L.A. rough city.
So L.A. raiders had a perfect match

Gangsta rap - a gang with attiude and that's when it all began with ice cube and others.
Huge impact - poweful lyrics.

L.A. Gang culture. Signs, gangs, etc.
it's something about the colour, black and silver. Black is hard and so is NWA
Wearing things from the Raiders was making a statement.
Raiders - showed winning their own way. doc. showing the simplicity of two things. And how black plays an important role.

Reviewing a Doc. The War Doc. Jan. 11th

It was very intense footage. Scenes of clips put together, they all fit very nicely. And everything was cut really good togetger. The footage was also very clear, you could see everything perfectly.

Dramatic music was used throughout the whole entire Doc. They used appropiate music for each different thing they wanted, every different scene. They even had footage in colour as well, having war footage in colour, I would really think would be hard to have. Also with the music - they had to remake all the sound effects themselves, so they have to put a lot of hard work into this doc. They interviewed people that actually paticipated in the war - which makes the doc more interesting and more realisitc and adds depth - and for the people that participated in the war - to tell their story adds a lot of emotion, and you could almost begin to imagine what they have been through - and the people they've seen die and lost.

The tone of the doc, is sad ( the greatest generation ) You feel sorrow for them.
 The angelation of shots is very nice, and cut well together. Very smooth tranistions into new ones.
Good shots, mixed with the horror shots.

Telling their stories really hits home.

Lot's of hate, destruction, explosion going on in this doc. But is to be expected in a War Doc.
Back then people would have thought their whole word was coming down on them, all the fear they felt and went through during thr war. All the horror.
WWI was just the beginning and lead to another war WWII

The music adds a lot of depth and some dramatic effects. - having the narrator talking through the whole entire doc. The sad stories that are told - adds intensity. Nice shots of the cities - which relates to what each person says to relate to their story as they tell it.

Seeing the actual people in the war from today from back then adds a lot to the doc - and all the clips are old, and have no sound.

Seeing young soliders - not knowing what they are doing - with rifles - everything. The untited states, wasn't exactly the real thing back then. (they were a joke)
As the doc goes on - it gets a lot more intense - showing real grim footage of people dying, being hung, shot, and treated like their nothing - all the canadians faught hard for our country. And died doing it.
All this sends a really grim message.

One of the biggest mistakes in the war, was the attack at peark harbour. Government and everything was falling apart. And some people have no clue what is going on. Everything is at stake - peoples lives.
So much stress - for EVERYONE.
This doc was super well made.